A Prayer for Mothers



We praise your holy name. You are holy, pure and divine. You created all things. You speak and chaos transforms into order. You created each of us in your image. You breathe life into each of us.  You are love and you love us. You are infinite yet intimate. You know us better than we know ourselves. Thank you. Thank you for Jesus. Thank you for your Holy Spirit who surrounds us and dwells within us and enlightens our minds and convicts us. Thank you for your angels protecting us. Thank you for your glory revealed through your creation, through your people, through the Body of Christ, through loving relationships. We bow before you, worshiping you because you make our lives better, because our life is better when lived in communion with you.

Thank you for mothers. Thank you for engaging each mother in your miraculous plan of creating new life. Thank you for revealing your glory through each mother as you work through her molding, nurturing, correcting, loving new life, her child, your child. For the mother who is exhausted from the busyness, the chaos, the burdens of life, give her your rest, your peace, your assurance that you are with her. Lift her up in your arms and give her rest. For the mother who is deeply concerned about the choices her children make, the consequences of those choices, and her changing role as her children grow, give her your wisdom, your discerning spirit, your peace, your joy, your comfort, your rest. For the mother of a child who is suffering, we join her in her prayers. We pray for total, complete, physical, spiritual, relational, emotional healing, we pray for total restoration, we ask you to reach into this world with your mighty, healing, loving touch. May your glory be revealed through the tangible result of your touch. May we have eyes to see your signs, your wonders, your glory in a new and refreshed way. Thank you for mothers. May each mother continue to experience your power, your wisdom, your holy discerning spirit.

You are sovereign. You have all power, all authority in heaven and on earth. You can do anything and everything. And we know you love us. We know you desire that we experience full, satisfying, abundant life through you, through Jesus, through the Holy Spirit. Help us to experience life abundant. Help us to remove obstacles in each of our lives blocking us from your life abundant; help us to experience you in a new and refreshed and fulfilling way. Thank you for all your blessings. May it all be for your glory.

In Jesus’ holy name we pray, Amen.

Randy Allen